Reaper Man, by Terry Pratchett

March 20, 2011 at 14:31 (Book Reviews, Comedy, Fantasy, Fiction, Mediocre Books) (, , , , )


This was an enjoyable Discworld book, but it will never be one of the best. It has some interesting existential overtones, but the Death story is more like a robot-learning-to-love story than anything else. Pratchett does that particular storyline better with his golems. Besides that, this one stands out mostly for its rather disappointing lack of things that stand out. It’s funny at times. There are interesting ideas raised occasionally. Pratchett keeps the reader’s attention, but seems never to go anywhere. Oh, to be sure there is an interesting side plot about the wizards puzzling over a shopping mall that has appeared outside the city. And a side plot about some undead creatures. There’s a really good side plot about a werewolf and a werehuman falling in love, and another one about Death falling in love. But by the time the end arrives, taking its time and moving a little slowly, this is a compendium of side plots strung together, and without either anything to bind each to its other. Good, but for Terry Pratchett “good” translates as “average”.

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